FGI Appoints Linda Dickey to Board of Directors
FLORENCE, MA. – The Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) is pleased to announce the appointment of Linda Dickey, RN, MPH, CIC, FAPIC, to its Board of Directors. Linda is an infection prevention consultant who previously served as senior director for quality, patient safety and infection prevention at UCI Health in Orange County, California.

Linda brings a wealth of experience to her role on the FGI Board of Directors and a diverse background that includes direct nursing experience in adult critical care and more than 25 years in epidemiology and infection prevention. Linda served on the Health Guidelines Revision Committee (HGRC) from 2007 to 2018 and was chair of the infection prevention topic group during the 2018 revision cycle. She was the 2022 president of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC).
Linda’s dedication to her profession has been recognized with prestigious awards, including the APIC President’s Distinguished Service Award in 2017 and the ASHE President’s Award in 2019 for her significant contributions to health care facility management.
Linda holds a bachelor of science degree in nursing from the University of South Carolina and a master of public health degree from the University of South Florida. She has been certified in infection prevention and control (CIC) since 1997 and has earned the Fellow of APIC designation, reflecting her deep commitment and expertise.
Linda says of her appointment to the FGI board, “The work of FGI has tremendous and direct impact for patient, staff, and visitor safety and quality of care. FGI aims to guide health care organizations to make wise decisions as they navigate the complex process of building healing environments. It is an honor to serve on the FGI Board of Directors, and I look forward to supporting the organization’s continued growth and success.”
“Linda is an unwavering advocate for protecting patients from harm, whether in the clinical or built environment realm. Her deep knowledge of infection prevention practices and her experiences providing safe and supportive health care environments is a natural complement to FGI’s mission to establish and promote consensus-based codes and publications, advised by research, to advance quality health care,” says FGI CEO Heather Livingston. “We congratulate Linda on her accomplishments and are proud to welcome her to the FGI Board of Directors.”
About the Facility Guidelines Institute
Founded in 1998, the Facility Guidelines Institute is a not-for-profit corporation founded to provide leadership and continuity to the Guidelines for Design and Construction/FGI Facility Code revision process. FGI functions as the coordinating entity for development of the Guidelines/FGI Facility Code documents using a multidisciplinary, consensus-based process and for provision of ancillary services that encourage and improve their application and use.
About the FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction/FGI Facility Code Documents
The FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction/FGI Facility Code documents are updated every four years to keep pace with new concepts, capabilities, and technologies in the delivery of health and residential care. The Guidelines/FGI Facility Code documents are used by states, through adoption by reference, to regulate health and residential care facility design and construction. FGI relies on revenue from sales of the documents to fund research and the activities of the HGRC for the next revision cycle. The Guidelines/FGI Facility Code documents are protected by copyright and authorized licenses and paperbacks are available exclusively at https://shop.fgiguidelines.org.