S2E3 – Changes Ahead: Intellectual Property Rights and the Future of the Guidelines
There’s a seismic shift happening in the codes and standards development legal landscape as courts back away from the longstanding precedent of protecting copyrights. As a result, some entities now post what was protected content, seemingly in partnership with standards development organizations, in order to sell their own products. In reality, standards development organizations like FGI have no oversight on how their code content is used outside of its own platforms and publications. CEO Heather Livingston discusses FGI’s unusual approach to making sure that everyone involved in health and residential care design and construction has access to accurate and complete code requirements straight from the source.
About Heather Livingston, MSL
Heather Livingston, MSL, was promoted from chief operating officer and managing editor to CEO on July 1, 2023. Heather began working for FGI as a part-time editor in 2011. In 2018, she was promoted to director of operations and managing editor. In her role as director of operations, she instituted business development improvements and processes that proved critical to helping FGI boost revenues and gain financial independence. As managing editor, she oversaw the publication of the 2022 Guidelines and the white paper “Guidance for Designing Health and Residential Care Facilities that Respond and Adapt to Emergency Conditions,” which was created to provide practical guidance on setting up temporary facilities and adapting existing health and residential care facilities to meet the needs of various emergency conditions.
As chief operating officer, Heather led the effort to create FGI’s digital library and e-commerce site, a project that enabled users of the Guidelines to access all FGI content from one website. Heather holds a Master of Studies in Law from Wake Forest University. As CEO, she continues to develop and direct strategic initiatives to ensure the organization’s financial and operational excellence.
Acronyms Mentioned
FGI: Facility Guidelines Institute
AIA: The American Institute of Architects
HGRC: Health Guidelines Revision Committee
ASHE: The American Society for Health Care Engineering
NFPA: National Fire Protection Association
ICC: International Code Council
AI: Artificial Intelligence
Mentioned in this episode
Ape Cave
Jesse James
Rizzoli Bookstore
Pamela Blumgart
Hill-Burton Act
Committee for Architecture on Health
Academy of Architecture for Health
Doug Erickson
Armand Burgun
Joe Sprague
FGI Facility Codes
Pro Codes Act
Electronic Frontier Foundation
AIA self-reporting LUs
Facility Guidelines Institute is a registered provider of AIA-approved continuing education under Provider Number 38744124. All registered AIA CES Providers must comply with the AIA Standards for Continuing Education Programs. Any questions or concerns about this provider or this learning program may be sent to AIA CES ([email protected]).
This learning program may be self-reported for LU credit through the AIA Continuing Education System. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA.
To receive AIA self-reported LUs, learners must complete and self-report two of these entire learning programs for 1 LU.
Sponsored by
American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE): Optimizing health care facilities
Transcript (download transcript)
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Special thanks to Neal Caine and the Neal Caine Trio for the use of his song “Skip To My Lou” by the album of the same name.
Find the album on Spotify or Apple Music.
Visit Neal Caine’s website here.